Edgar Reeves

Edgar Reeves lives in Selma, Alabama and works out of the Camden office of Great Southern Land. Edgar has a Bachelors Degree in Geology from Millsaps College and has done graduate work in Geology at the University of Alabama.

In addition to his appraisal and sales duties with Great Southern Land, Edgar works for Buchanan Timber and Forestry, LLC supporting its foresters and managing its Geographical Information System of forest stands.

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Land for Sale by Edgar Reeves

53-009 Oakmulgee Creek Tract
Dallas County, AL
This south Perry County property contains /-637 total acres, and consists of four separate parcels, three which are contiguous as noted on the enclosed maps. The large part of the place is bisected by Highway 219 resulting in /-341 acres on the east ...
637± Acres

Contact Edgar Reeves