Larry Foster grew up loving the outdoors and was determined to make his living there, too. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Southern Illinois University in 1977 and a Master of Science in Forestry in 1979.
Larry worked out West as a field forester for the next four years before moving to South Carolina where he worked in loblolly pine seed orchard production and genetic tree improvement. In 1987, he transferred to Selma, Alabama where he managed two pine seed orchards, a tree nursery that produced seedlings for reforestation and 745 acres of associated land.
In 2019 he and his wife bought a timberland property in Perry County where they renovated the farmhouse, conducted a timber sale, managed site preparation and reforestation, created wildlife food plots and cleaned up the pond for fishing. The property has been certified for sustainability by the Forest Stewardship Council and as an Alabama Tree Farm. This process helped him to realize that he would enjoy helping landowners buy, sell or improve land for timber investment and outdoor recreation. He retired in 2021 after forty two years in forestry to pursue his interest in real estate. Larry is a licensed land REALTOR and an Alabama registered forester, offering forest management services to real estate clients.
Larry is a member of the Society of American Foresters, Alabama Forestry Association, Alabama Forest Owners Association and the National Association of REALTORS. He and his wife still reside in Selma, Alabama. They have two grown sons and two granddaughters. He enjoys hunting, fishing, watching college football, and spending time at his farm property. He is an active member of Westwood Baptist Church where he has served as a deacon, Sunday School teacher and treasurer.