04-001 Autauga 240


Property Details

ID: 70014
Status: Sold
Acres: 240
Type: Timberland
City, State: Autaugaville, Alabama
County: Autauga
Presented By: Fletcher Majors


This tract of land is located about 12 miles west of Prattville in Autauga County just off County Road 165. The property fronts on Key Drive on the east side and has a deeded easement on the west side. 190 acres of the property has a nice stand of regenerated pines and hardwoods which is about 10 to 12 years old. There are five large gamefields located on this portion of the property providing great hunting opportunities. The additional 50 acres on the east side was purchased to provide road frontage and better access to the entire tract. This 50 acre portion has a good stand of mature hardwood and pine timber, and makes a nice addition to the entire property.

Fletcher Majors
Fletcher Majors
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