08-036 Blue Springs and the Warrior River


Property Details

ID: 69862
Status: Sold
Acres: 58
Type: Hunting Land, Residential Property, Waterfront
Address: 695 McAlpine Rd
City, State: Blountsville, Alabama
County: Blount
Zip Code: 35031
Presented By: Eddie Stone


(1) A rare find, this tract borders both the Mulberry Fork of the Warrior River and Blue Springs Creek
(2) Located in Blount County directly across the river from The Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrement
(3) Power on the property close to the river, great location for cabin/residence
(4) The hilltop is planted pine and the remaining land is large mature hardwoods and pines
(5) Fronts McAlpine Road, located west of Blountsville and southeast of Cullman
(6) Conveniently located to the Birmingham and Huntsville metro areas
(7) For more information contact Eddie Stone, RF: 205-837-4466

Eddie Stone
Eddie Stone
REALTOR & Registered Forester

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Eddie Stone
REALTOR & Registered Forester
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