This listing features two non-contiguous tracts of /-40 acres and /-80 acres located 1/4 mile apart, and which are located just north of the historic north Monroe County town of Buena Vista. The property is accessed off Marshall Road as noted on the accompanying maps. The north tract, designated as Tract 1, consists of /-80 acres, with all of it timbered except for one game plot and the woods roads. Tract 2, located 1/4 mile to the south is also completely timbered except for a game plot, roads, and a rustic cabin on the north side. As noted on the plat and topographic/stand maps, and the aerial photograph and on-site photographs, this property features excellent loblolly pine timber, varying from mature natural timber and plantations, to younger premerchantable plantations. There is also hardwood timber located in the drains. The enclosed stand map lists the approximate acreages in each of the timber components. Based on updated timber cruise data, the property contains the following volumes of timber: Pine Pulpwood – 1,755 tons; Pine C-N-S – 522 tons; Pine Sawtimber – 772 tons; Small Pine Poles – 89 tons; Spruce Sawtimber – 58 tons; Hardwood Pulpwood – 1,054 tons; Hardwood Sawtimber – 27 MBF. These volumes are considered to be accurate, but are not guaranteed by Seller or Broker. In addition the merchantable timber, there are approximately 34 acres of premerchantable pine plantations. These are excellent timber growing and hunting tracts located in a very desirable location. Access is by prescriptive easement through the adjoining landowner. The property is being offered as a whole for the price noted, but separate offers will be considered for each of the tracts. Please contact Don Donald at the Camden Office at 334-682-9825 or 866-788-0759 for more information or for an appointment to see.