66-075 County Road 43 Tract


Property Details

ID: 69936
Status: Sold
Acres: 280
City, State: Camden, Alabama
County: Wilcox
Zip Code: 36726
Presented By: Fletcher Majors


This tract is located North East of Camden off of County Road 43 near Roland Cooper State Park in Wilcox County, Alabama. This property features first class hunting in a very desirable recreational area. The land types include: Old Growth Hardwood Timber, Pine Plantation Established in 2012, Prairie and Game Plots as shown on the stand map. There are several small streams and drains that travel throughout the property. This property is a premier deer hunting tract, the pine plantation provides excellent cover and the hardwood stands provide both White and Red Oaks to hunt throughout the hunting season. The property is accessed by a deeded easement across Weyerhaeuser. There is a nice set of internal roads and trails that allow you to tour the property with ease.

Fletcher Majors
Fletcher Majors
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